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Sunday 26 June 2011


A typical Allotment.
An allotment is a plot of land made available to individual,non professional people who cultivate it for there own food production.These gardeners are usually organised into an allotment association, which leases the land from an owner"usually the local council"who stipulates that the plots are are used only  for gardening The plot holders have to pay a small membership fee to the association.

In the U.K. the first allotment law,which has been modified a few times since, was first fully codified in the "Small Holding and Allotment Act 1908" Under the act a local authority is required to maintain an adequate provision of land,usually a large field, which can then be subdivided into allotment gardens for residents at a low rent. Each plot must be used by the plot holder for the production of fruit and vegetables for the consumption of the plot holder and his family.The council has a duty to provide sufficient allotments to meet demand.

The Authors allotment
In dealing with the subject, I am struck with the fact that the allotment movement has taken a recognised place in our national life. Prior to 1914 allotments were familiar landmarks up and down the country, but allotments organised for a national purpose were practically unknown. The present position is a product of the two world wars. Today, as once again we are going to face problems with the importation and shortage of foodstuffs ,allotments are  recognised as being an all time necessity.

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